3 Mar.

Tutoring Service Business Plan

Tutoring Service Business Plan



Schools are underfunded. Kids need schooling. Tutoring helps kids learn.


Bryan’s Tutoring Service offers a wide range of academic subjects. Sessions can be private or group tutoring. While private sessions provide intensive individual assistance, groups sessions are more cost-effective and encourage a team-based approach. Bryan’s Tutoring Service, which is based on The Atkinson, offers a wide range of past exams. This collection can be invaluable for studying the material or for exam preparation. Bryan&#8217’s Tutoring Service uses Systematic Analysis Frameworks (SAF). Students learn how to solve problems using this unique approach. This system is designed to help students solve their own problems. This system is different from tutors who only care about answering students’ immediate questions. They don’t want to teach students basic problem solving skills that can be used in future applications.


Bryan’s Tutoring Service identified several target markets that they will pursue. Willamette business students are the largest segment. Bryan has strong relationships and connections with most professors in the business program. Bryan can tailor the tutoring for the specific course material, as well as receive referrals. This market segment will have three subgroups: non-quantitative and quantitative clients. Bryan’s Tutoring Service is available to undergraduate students at Willamette College and other nearby colleges.


Tutoring has been around as long as students. As long students don’t get ahead of themselves, tutors will be there to help them catch-up and keep up with classmates. Some materials just need to be explained in different ways for them to make sense.

However, while the need for tutoring exists, the bulk of tutoring taking place in the market is very limited and unorganized. This company stands out because of its extensive experience and dedication to each student’s needs.

Why Us?

Bryan’s Tutoring Service exists to help students. Our unique teaching method helps students to connect with the material they need to master. Through personalized and focussed teaching processes, our students develop the tools they need for ongoing success in their fields of study. Our success depends on our attention to the needs of our clients and truly helping them achieve – we don’t succeed unless our clients succeed.



This is a tutoring service. Bryan will be in a position to earn enough during the schoolyear to meet his needs, especially when students are smaller and June July and August arrive. The rent and expenses are to cover his rent and food costs. between group sessions.

Financial Highlights by Year

Financing Needed

Bryan will contribute his savings to the venture. He only needs enough to pay his first month’s rent.