3 Mar.

Government Services Business Plan

Government Services Business Plan

The Advanced Science and Technology Institute, (ASTI), supports faculty and staff from **State University and University of AnyState. This support covers the management, development and management of new discoveries with potential commercial applications.

**(Editor’s Note: Names disguised for confidentiality.)

1.1 Keys to Success

  • Building a strong support base with the private sector within State and the Northwest.
  • Facilitating cross-disciplinary contact by creating a network of effective researchers
  • ASTI being a single-stop resource for all types of transferable technology is vital to the sustainability of the institution.

1.2 Mission

ASTI’s mission involves bringing technology from **State University and University of AnyState, AnyState Health Sciences University (AnyCity State University) into public use. It provides economic development assistance to federal agencies and companies that benefit State constituents. Additionally, it serves the technology transfer staff of each institution by providing support in identifying and protecting, developing, and transferring technology to private sector. ASTI’s unique perspective is in its ability to link researchers from various institutions to create new technologies that can then be marketed to the private sector.

Historically, State has received less attention from companies that develop long-term relationships with the university research community. State has struggled with SouthernState universities in the south and University of AnyState in the north. These institutions have made it difficult to achieve the level of viability that is required to attract interest from companies outside of the state.

It’s an issue of scale economy. Current licensing options include AnyState University (State University), University of AnyState Health Sciences University (AnyState Health Sciences University), and AnyCity State University (AnyCity State University). 128 technologies are available. The University of Southern State (USS) is one of the universities in SouthernState that has more 200 technologies for licensing. USS has also received $20M in corporate support funding. This is more than the $3 million in total corporate research funding received by the four State schools during the same time period. State’s State Technology Center received $91million in private funding from the University of State for technology transfer. It is vital that all four universities of State work together to draw corporate attention and support their excellent researchers.

ASTI&#8217’s mission is to provide a one-stop resource for all of the key research occurring in State.

1.3 Objectives

  • A 42-member corporation research support council is created. This council will increase the corporate membership of ASTI’s Technology Development Council to 20% annually.

  • Facilitate 2 new industry sponsored research deals in the first 12 months and increase the number every year.

  • Create new research linkages between the four campuses and develop new collaborative relationships between researchers.
  • A cross-disciplinary research database should be created that can link researchers in the state.