Personnel Management Business Plan
OutReSources, Inc., a consulting company, will specialize in the design and delivery training products and services for statewide and local markets. The company is a trusted, high-quality option for health care professionals to use in their business development, marketing, and quality assurance.
OutResources will be initially created under the umbrella of Flowstone, Inc. as a Greenstate DBA business. It is located in the Central County of Greenstate, which is the heart of Greenstate’s population growth and growth.
OutReSources intends to target the state’s health care service providers. We will tailor our services to their requirements. OutReSources’#8217’s challenge will be to position itself as a real consultant and training company. This can be seen as a relatively risky investment.
There are many forms of industry competition. One example is when companies and agencies decide to train and develop their own business instead of outsourcing. You will also find resources for training and development from both the state and non-profit sector. These companies tend to be generalists and don’t focus on any particular market. Furthermore, they are often hampered by a flawed organizational structure that does not provide the most experienced people for the client’s projects. OutResources’#8217′ advantage over these companies is its high-level consulting that helps integrate theory with practice and works in concert with client companies’.
OutResources will be priced above what the market will bear. OutReSources’ general position as offering high-level expertise will dictate the pricing. In the first year, sales are expected to be substantial with a high cash balance.
The company’s founders were all previously employed health care providers in the fee-for service markets that we intend to target. OutReSources is a formalization of the consulting services that they offer. OutReSources will be managed by working partners, in a structure taken mainly from Flowstone, Inc. At the outset, we will assume three partners, Khallie Larchold and Soren Abboukir (from Flowstone Inc. and Yuriatin Guadalquivir).
The firm estimates healthy profits by the first year with a commensurate net profit margin. The company does NOT anticipate any cash flow problems.
1.1 Objectives
OutReSources has set several objectives for the first year.
- Develop and implement a training service that targets both for-profit and non-profit health care providers that provide fee-for-services and which are required to meet standards set by state and federal regulations, and/or private associations.
- By developing a service that supports those providers still operating within the Medicaid ‘fee-for -service’ framework, we can raise the quality of care and break free from the limitations of Medicaid’s #8220 fee-for-service.
- To maximize net profit margins, create a company that is low in overhead and has minimal liability.
1.2 Mission
Our mission is to improve the quality of health care services through the development of skills, capabilities, and efficiency of those who provide them. We are interested in educating and training those who provide health services. They will be reimbursed and regulated through the state governing agency. We want to be transitional trainers and educators for people with education but no experience.
1.3 Keys of Success
Employing trainers within the appropriate disciplines who have
- Credentials: Education. Licenses. Certifications
- Proven successful track record
- Continuing Education Units
Strong Formal Methodology
Developing strong formalized training methodologies for all services
- Policy and Procedures
- Hierarchy roles within the Organizational Structure: Qualifications & Duties
- Confidentiality control
- Recommendations:
Promotion and Marketing
- Beginning with what we know. Our first offerings are based upon our expertise
Operations and Liability
Maintaining low overhead and liability by:
- Maximizing capabilities and simplifying tasks
- Analyzing the market and initiating with « High End » targets (large providers, high-fee-for-service rates services)
- Strong investments in quality equipment are more cost-effective than making large purchases.
- Mobility vs. the Center or combinations
- Space and supplies
- Final products (manuals/pamphlets, protocol)