3 Mar.

Aquarium Services Business Plan

Aquarium Services Business Plan

EcoAquatics, a hobbyist venture started by a high-school sophomore, is EcoAquatics. It’s sole purpose is to allow the owner to pursue an enjoyable hobby and turn it to a small part time business to provide her with economic benefits similar to those that students her age get from less rewarding part-time jobs.

EcoAquatics manages saltwater aquariums for clients. We can help you with every step, from setting up your aquarium, cleaning it, maintaining it, feeding the fish, and even feeding them. Depending on the client, they can go step by step along with us, or simply enjoy the finished product.

Our service can be used for a range of needs, from those who have never had an aquarium before and need step by step help, to someone who is an expert but does not have time to do everything. We will be honest with our clients so that they do not get something that does not work for them.

In the initial stages, the owner of the business will concentrate on offering services to his family and close friends. Later, the company will expand to offer services to small businesses in the Eugene, Oregon area. This is a small hobbyist company so the startup costs are minimal. Start-up costs will be covered by a friend’s interest-free loan. The loan will be repaid in year three.

EcoAquatics, which is now properly registered with Oregon, has been maintaining the first client’s aquarium for four months as of the writing of this business plan.

1.1 Mission

EcoAquatics is a hobbyist business intended to give its owner a way to develop environmentally-sound aquariums, sensitive to the potential ecological dangers of the aquarium hobby worldwide, on a small scale appropriate to a high school student’s infrastructure and reach. It should be rewarding, fun, educational, enjoyable, and beneficial to both the client and the owner.

1.2 Keys for Success

    1. Maintain the vision of a part-time hobbyist business, moving only slowly and appropriately up.
  1. Keep abreast of the environmental impacts of aquariums in your home or office.

1.3 Objectives

    • The short-term goal is to expand my aquarium hobby and build and maintain a few aquariums outside of my home. I will be working with select clients close by who will support me in a friendly manner. I don’t pretend that this is a full time business with normal business motivations.
  • The long-term goal is to make this a business that I can use to support myself in college and high school. This will allow me to earn a portion of my income through a parttime venture that relates to vocation.