3 Mar.

Convenience Store Cafe Business Plan

Convenience Store Cafe Business Plan

Luna’s convenience store is located in Jenniville, near Aspen Estates. Aspen Estates a new housing complex aimed at young couples and high-income individuals. This offers a tremendous opportunity for the shop. Typical household incomes in this area are $85,000 to $100,000. It is also the only grocery store located within two blocks of the housing development.

It’s a start-up owned by Thomas Renner. Thomas and Heidi make an ideal business partnership. Heidi has 15 years of experience working in the retail industry, while Thomas is a certified Public Accountant. He will deal with the financial side of the business and Heidi will deal with day to day operations.

Luna’s will have a wide selection of fresh, organic produce, prepackaged fresh food and pastries, newspapers and pet foods. Luna&#8217’s also plans to rent out a section of the store for use as a café. The cafe will offer lunch, breakfast, coffee, tea and pastries.

Luna is a competitive edge because of its location and its emphasis on customer service. The owners also have a lot of experience and knowledge.

1.1 Mission

Luna&#8217’s ConvenienceStore has one mission: to provide convenience food, prepared foods, beer and cigarettes to the residents of Aspen Estates, as well as other items, to those living in nearby neighborhoods. It will offer fair prices to customers and make a healthy profit for its owner.

1.2 Objectives

1. To make Luna&#8217’s the preferred convenience store in Aspen Estates, and surrounding neighborhoods.

2. To be able to break even by the end the first year.

3. To realize a net profit at 5% in three years.

1.3 Keys to Success

Keys to Success:

1. Aspen Estates residents will be convinced that Luna’s convenience is ‘#8220’ theirs.

2. Turn over inventory on average 15 &#8211 20 times per calendar year

3. To provide a wide range of groceries, foods and household supplies.