Horse Training Business Plan
The Company
Ereidi Farm was established as a home-based side-business while the owners raised their young children. She has many years of experience in the business and is well-suited to the farm’s services. Ereidi Farm functions as a quality thoroughbred breeding and training farm specializing in highly individualized care programs designed for each horse’s needs. Ereidi Farm is a dedicated farm that focuses on clients and their horses and truly enjoys helping clients.
Our commitment to our customers is long-term. It has never been about the sale. Our farm has decided to relocate to a larger facility due to high demand and is currently incorporating to improve the accounting side of business management.
The Product
Ereidi Farm is able to offer the following services: training and breaking young racehorses; broodmare caring and rehabilitation of injured racehorses. Each horse is treated as an individual and not forced to complete a program. Our horses graduate with confidence, health, and a relaxed attitude about the work. We provide excellent care for foaling or pregnant mares. We will accept high-risk mares. In fact, our farm has always had a 100% live foal yield every year. Even though we do foal out older and more complicated mares, they are taken very well care of. Our rehabilitative services include horses from all areas of the region who come to our farm to receive therapy and post-operative care.
We ensure that our athletes fully recover with minimal complications thanks to our meticulous care. All horses that the farm has rehabilitated have gone on to successful careers. Many are now racing again and in better shape. Our home-grown sales reflect our owner’s knowledge in equine breeding. Horses from the farm’s breeding programs have won races at the first asking and have done well in training. They are stars, and they have done a fantastic job representing the farm. We provide a ‘#8220’ Full Circle service to our clients. Our committment to their success is long lasting and at a depth not found in the racing community at large. We recognize the importance of their success in racing and are fully aware of the need for this.
The Market
The United States has a growing thoroughbred sector. The state of Pennsylvania’s racing industry will see explosive growth as soon as the slot machine legislation is passed. The demand for Pennsylvania-bred horses is on the rise as is the need to raise and train these individuals. Pennsylvania is determined to become the nation’s premier racing state, winning more purses and bonus monies than any other states. This is driving large numbers to Pennsylvania and increasing the need for facilities to keep them.
This has resulted in a surge of activity among owners of racing stock and breeding stock within these declining states, who are trying to relocate their investments. We have targeted these owners as well as brand new investors and Pennsylvania owners looking to upgrade their programs as clients for our expanded farm. Our marketing programs are focused on promoting using the venues that are commonly used by those in our target market. These programs are designed to bring potential clients to our farm, the location where sales are most frequently completed. We know that technology is necessary to compete in today’s markets. We have welcomed its use with open arms and been successful.
Financial Projections
We started our farm small because of specific reasons. Now, we’re looking forward to expanding to make the most of all our skills. His husband is currently the parts & service director at his company. He is responsible to $13.3 million annually in parts and servicing sales, and for maintaining a large stock. He has 65 employees reporting to him. He will be mentoring the owner regarding financial matters.
The financial projections depict the growth projected.
The farm was relocated to its new high-quality facility. They represent the planned growth that is possible with the securing of a facility that is large enough to accommodate the ever-growing needs of the marketplace. We expect to make profits because 1) we timing our market expansion right as Pennsylvania’s thoroughbred sector enters its highest growth phase in its history; and 2) our services are extraordinary, they are simply world-class.
1.1 Keys To Success
A well-targeted marketing plan utilizing modern technologies as well as traditional formats.
We offer a high-quality facility that is attractive for our clients.
Delivering the quality service we promise in our marketing and facility photos. Ereidi Farm has built its name by exceeding clients’ expectations. Our attention to detail and our commitment to our clients remains unsurpassed within the industry.
1.2 Mission
Ereidi Farm was established to help clients increase their chances of investing in thoroughbreds. They provide high quality care, personalized care, and training programs in safe facilities that are staffed by skilled, caring staff. Each member of Ereidi Farm demonstrates a deep commitment towards our clients. We believe that our farm’s success is a result of constant communication, unquestionable authenticity, and our ability and willingness to provide Full Circle services.
1.3 Objectives
- Secure financing to purchase a fully-functional facility that is located on a piece of land in a new area. The facility must be of genuine value and can sell at a lower price than the construction cost. Excellent interstate access must be available, both locally as well as regionally. The land must be in an area where there are support structures available that could accommodate a horse-farm.
- Closed sale of farm property to raise approximately $300,000. Capital to reinvest in business expansion.
- Within one year of moving to a larger facility, achieve break-even status.
- Maintain a comfortable net profit into the second and third years.