Integrated Communications Business Plan
The term « Information Age », which describes the current state of the world, refers to all businesses large and small. It is essential that they have efficient and effective communication solutions to ensure their customers are satisfied and maintain a competitive advantage. The right amount of finance, material, talent, and experience is not enough to make a business successful. A good communication system is essential for smooth transaction sealing. Botswana’s success in the global marketplace will be based on communication. The development of a cost-effective and technologically superior communications infrastructure is crucial to its regional and international integration. The economies of many countries are becoming more complex and knowledge-intensive. This means that there is greater demand for an efficient network to provide decision-makers with timely and accurate data to assist in transaction sealing and decision-making.
We are on the brink of penetrating a lucrative market in a rapidly growing industry. The current increase in the number of entrepreneurs, and competition among existing companies presents an opportunity for Aero Technologies to penetrate the market. Our products and services will all be carefully positioned. These services/products will be of exceptional quality to ensure client satisfaction and will be supported by outstanding customer service. Aero Technologies will be able to provide the expert services that a market-orientated and proactive company requires in order to establish and maintain a sound communications system. We plan to offer a variety of services to the business community as well as the general public. Initial plans are to introduce five main lines of services, with the primary focus on Multimedia, Call Centre facility, Data Communications and IT, Financial Services, and Knowledge Consulting.
We recognize that to succeed, we must be flexible and responsive to our clients. This will allow us to delight them by giving them what they need, when and where they want it, before the competition. This is possible through a customer-centric approach where customer goals are the top priority. This requires skill and depth of knowledge as well as time spent researching a customer’s needs. Aero Technologies will consider providing value-added services across all aspects of customers’ needs as essential and a competitive advantage that the company safeguards. Every policy, procedure, system and method will have the goal of increasing flexibility and responding to the company. For the project to be successful, it is necessary for all functional areas to interact, especially marketing and logistics.
Once the client understands and describes their requirements, industry leaders and top-of-the-line products will be used in order to develop a suitable solution and allow them to run their business in the most efficient way.
Our marketing strategy will focus primarily on making sure customers understand the needs of the service(s), and making the appropriate information and service available to the target client. We will implement a market penetration plan that will ensure our services become well-known and respected within our industry. The marketing strategy we use will communicate the feeling of quality and satisfaction through every image, promotion, and publication. This promotional strategy will integrate traditional advertising, breakfast seminar, events, Internet Marketing, personal selling, public relation, direct marketing and other methods. More details can be found in the marketing section.
We intend to build our project management team correctly. We need the right people in the right place at the right time if we are to ensure optimum growth. We intend to develop our team so that our people can grow as the company grows — a mutually beneficial relationship.
The intention is to go into partnership with NNN Limited, a company registered in QQQ, and provide financial, IT, and data communications consultancy services to industries in the application and use of latest technologies such as data communication and Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), enabling cellular telecommunications.
We do not believe that we can be trusted with our data.
Our goal is not to simply market and sell the service. We want to ensure that our client’s satisfaction and ease of communication are met. This will allow us to build and maintain a reputation for our company. However it should be noted that timing and information provision will be of the utmost importance and significance in terms of the project’s introduction onto the market. In addition we are appreciative of the fact that entering such a market is not a bed of roses, particularly as it is still a relatively new concept needing to be implanted in people’s minds in terms of the benefits it may bring to them, as well as the number of ‘laggard’ firms who often do not easily appreciate the need for change, be it to their benefit. In such a case the need will exist to aggressively market the concept to these organizations and individuals through various means. Hence the intention is to utilize the technical and business know-how of technical partners in order to implement and attain our business objectives.
NOTE: All currency values in this plan are expressed in Botswanan Pula [P].
1.1 Objectives
Our business strategy revolves around providing quality services and products for our target clients. This will allow us to satisfy their needs. This will be done by recruiting a professional sales, telemarketing and technical team. Then, we will provide high-quality custom-designed services to meet the client’s specific needs.
Our marketing campaign will gradually increase our knowledge about the market segments we are targeting. This is especially important for businesses looking to establish competitive advantage(s), which will allow them to focus on core activities, while also acquiring more business from existing customers. Our marketing materials should reflect our image and reputation. We intend to be a top-quality total communications service provider, aiming to offer efficient and effective communication solutions. We will establish good relations with all the stakeholders.
In summary we intend to attain the following objectives:
- Provide professional quality services in a timely manner and within budget.
- Create a follow-up strategy with all our clients to measure performance.
- Establish and maintain a quality assurance policy and system of control.
- To maintain cross-functional communication in order to ensure that different departments work together towards the company’s goals.
- To instill a culture of continuous improvement in beating standards of customer satisfaction and efficiency.
- We are 100% committed to supporting growth in the economy.
1.2 Mission
Aero Technologies, Ltd., offers marketing-oriented organizations a reliable, superior alternative to in house resources for business development, regional market development, or channel development. Aero Technologies, Ltd. is a true alternative to in-house resource. It offers high levels of experience, knowledge, contacts, confidentiality, and a high level of professionalism. Aero Technologies will prove to be a better and safer way for clients to communicate with their various stakeholders than working in-house. Aero Technologies must maintain financial balance and charge reasonable fees for its services. It should also deliver greater value to clients. Initial focus will be development in the regional markets, or for international clients in Botswana. Aero Technologies is a great place to work. It offers a challenging, rewarding, creative and respectful environment. Aero Technologies offers its customers excellent value and its employees fair compensation.
We want to foster and maintain a positive, creative, respectful, and enjoyable workplace environment. Our employees will be fairly compensated and encouraged respect for the customer. To ensure customer satisfaction, follow-up will be required. We strive to achieve fair and responsible profits that are sufficient to maintain the company’s financial health in the short and long term. Investors will also be fairly compensated for the risk and money invested.
Success Keys 1.3
This project has the key ingredients
#8217’s success is certain to be market segmentation. This involves identifying niche markets, and then implementing strategies. This is why the company will be implementing personal selling and direct market strategies to its target markets. Hence the key success factors will include the following:
- Excellence at fulfilling the promise: Completely private, reliable, trusted expertise and service(s), through the provision of uncompromising service. We have the most up-to-date technology, software and staff to meet the above.
- Timely response to clients’ orders: We cannot afford to delay our clients for whatever reason, as this will have a negative bearing on our image and reputation, including future business. We must communicate with our clients to ensure that we offer solutions that are tailored to their needs.
- Knowledge and skill: Given the nature of our services, and the relative newness of their market, it is vital that our staff have the necessary skills and knowledge to provide the service(s).
- Marketing know-how: In a relatively volatile market there will be a need to aggressively market our business and the services we provide so as to be continuously at the top of our prospective and current clients minds. This will serve as a temporary deterrent in the event that companies are interested in entering our market. Advertising will be one of our competitive strengths.
- Leveraging from a large pool of expertise: The company’s various alliances with technological partners shall prove invaluable considering the skills and intellectual capacity these partners will have in the fields of design and system integration, implementation and execution, lifecycle support and understanding, and in the application of new technology. This could be a significant differentiator in the market.