Security Guard Business Plan
In the current political climate, with increasing fears of terrorist activity, and the current economic climate, which promises an upswing in general and in outsourced services especially, this business is launching at the right time. To establish a strong client base in Coastalburg, the business will first target large retail stores as well as building management companies.
Batten-Hatchez Security removes the concern for clients who need security guards for their events, buildings, or facilities. The company provides exceptional customer service and in-depth training of their employees.
[Note that marketing information is not current; they are included solely for illustration. Dates have been changed.]
According to IBISWorld in 20XX, there were 41,000 security firms operating 56,000 establishments in the U.S. These numbers show that the industry encompasses both large and small businesses. The capital investment required to start a business is low and there are very few barriers to entry. The industry depends on a supply of labor, often using retired police officers as security guards.
As security guard services are sold business-to-business, marketing and advertisement is generally targeted on the markets and industries the security companies seek to serve. Companies usually search for security guard companies on the Internet, or via referrals from others they trust.
[Note: marketing info here is out of date; included for illustration purposes only. Dates have been changed.]
Securitas AB (Allied Security LLC), The Brink’s Company and G4S plc are some of the leading players in this sector. These large players offer services to a wide range of markets including governments, chemical and petroleum, colleges and universities as well as commercial real estate, financial institutions and health care facilities.
Why Us
Batten-Hatchez Security removes the concern for clients who require security guards at their events, buildings, or facilities. The company provides excellent customer service, as well as in-depth training and support for employees.
The business expects respectable revenues of in the initial year, nearly doubling by the end-of-the third year. Gross margins will match the industry average, which is based on guard labor expenses vs. billings. After the initial investment and its launch, a lean first-year, and the establishment a training and office space in the second, the business is ready to grow through its own financing. After the business proves viable in other cities, the founders may sell it to get an exit.
Financial Highlights for the Year
You will need financing
The $76,700 investment is as follows:
Louis Giordano $15,000
Jared Case $15,000
Unspecified friend/family investment: $46,700